Natalie Young founded Sugar House Review in 2009 with fellow editors John Kippen, Nano Taggart, and Jerry VanIeperen. Sugar House Review is an independent poetry magazine based out of Utah, publishing original poetry and reviews of poetry books twice per year. The majority of the magazine’s content is unsolicited, offered in a perfect-bound print edition as well as a digital version (PDF).
Natalie is the editor in chief and art director for the magazine.
//2011 Pushcart Prize XXXV Best of the Small Presses:
Paul Muldoon's “Capriccio in E Minor for Blowfly and Strings”
//2013 Pushcart Prize XXXVII Best of the Small Presses:
Patricia Smith's "Laugh Your Troubles Away!"
//2014 Pushcart Prize XXXVIII Best of the Small Presses
Carl Phillips’ "Your Body Down in Gold"
//2015 Pushcart Prize XXXIX Best of the Small Presses
Hillary Gravendyk’s “Your Ghost”
//Verse Daily
Featured a poem from Sugar House Review numerous times
//Poetry Daily
Featured a poem from Sugar House Review multiple times
//Academy of American Poets Poetry Map
//Poets & Writers Literary Magazine Database
//Best of State, Utah
2011, Arts & Entertainment
Sugar House Review is a publication of both range and quality, one that will appeal to experienced readers and writers, as well those readers who are just coming to poetry.
Sugar House Review is a magazine of breadth—eclectic swatches of style, tone, subject, and form. It is representative of the varied voices that comprise contemporary poetry.
Sugar House Review has a prevalent and available presence in the Salt Lake City and Cedar City areas. This includes organizing or helping to organize poetry events, availability in local book stores, and a presence at literary functions.
Sugar House Review works hard to have an inspiring, singular, and generous presence in our community, region, and the poetry contingent at large.
"It looks good. It
reads good."
—William Kloefkorn
Former Nebraska Poet Laureate
“The editors of Sugar House Review take to heart the proverb that if a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well . . . A very fine poetry magazine that would make an excellent addition to any collection of contemporary American poetry.”
"Natalie Young is a peach to work with."
—Sandra Marchetti
Author of Confluence